Our goal is to boost our research output for 2025 by √2 over our previous year. We measure our research output by SNIP points, which are described in our Journals page. Help us reach our target of 56 points for this year.

Submitted away
Submitted home


  • Combinatorial analysis of the critical Kauffman model with connectivity one

    TFT. FinkFSF. Sheldon 1.24 Draft for Discrete Mathematics

    Dirichlet meets Kauffman

    Long the province of statistical physics, the structure of the Kauffman model of genetic computation is uncovered via Dirichlet convolutions.

  • Properties of the recursive divisor function

    Number theory

    TFT. Fink 1.05 Draft for Proceedings of the American Mathematical Society

    Recursive divisor properties

    The recursive divisor function is found to have a simple generating function, which leads to a number of new Dirichlet convolutions.

  • Singularities of discriminants

    AEA. EsterovLV 0.86 Draft for Annali della Scuola normale superiore di Pisa - Classe di scienze

    Singularities of discriminants

    Investigating to what extent Whitney's theorem holds true for more general universal polynomials such as A-discriminants by Gelfand, Kapranov and Zelevinsky.

  • Topology of tropical polynomials

    Algebraic geometry

    AEA. EsterovLV 0.37 Draft for Journal of Combinatorial Algebra

    Topology of tropical polynomials

    Tropical geometric objects share many characteristics with classical algebraic geometry objects. We study this correspondence for the topology of polynomials.

  • 0.34 Draft for Communications in Mathematical Physics

    MSSM vacuum structure

    On the vacuum structure of the minimal supersymmetric standard model, which considers only particle states and interactions consistent with reality.


  • The mathematical structure of innovation

    Theory of innovation

    TFT. FinkITI. Teimouri 3.04 Arxiv for Science Advances

    Recursive structure of innovation

    A theoretical model of recursive innovation suggests that new technologies are recursively built up from new combinations of existing ones.

  • Some new results on the higher energies I

    Number theory

    ISI. Shkredov 2.43 Arxiv for Geometric and Functional Analysis

    Higher energies

    Generalising the recent Kelley–Meka result on sets avoiding arithmetic progressions of length three leads to developments in the theory of the higher energies.

  • Topological quantum dark matter via global anomaly cancellation

    High energy physics

    JWJ. Wang 2.29 Arxiv for Physical Review Letters

    Topological dark matter

    Sterile neutrinos are replaced by topological order as dark matter candidates to counterbalance the Standard Model’s gravitational anomalies.

  • Engineered complete intersections: slightly degenerate Bernstein-Kouchnirenko-Khovanskii

    Algebraic geometry

    AEA. Esterov 2 Arxiv for Journal of Combinatorial Theory. Series B

    Slight degenerations

    The tools used to study polynomial equations with indeterminate coefficients are extended to some important cases with interrelated ones.

  • Algebraic geometry

    1.83 Arxiv for Advances in Mathematics

    Schön complete intersections

    A uniform approach to a class of varieties is described that includes important types of objects from geometry, optimisation and physics.

  • Number theory

    1.71 Arxiv for Journal of Number Theory

    Ample and pristine numbers

    Parallels between the perfect and abundant numbers and their recursive analogs point to deeper structure in the recursive divisor function.

  • Algebraic geometry

    1.22 Arxiv for American Journal of Mathematics

    Symmetric spatial curves

    We study the geometry of generic spatial curves with a symmetry in order to understand the Galois group of a family of sparse polynomials.

  • Number theory

    1.05 Arxiv for Proceedings of the American Mathematical Society

    Recursive divisor properties

    The recursive divisor function has a simple Dirichlet series that relates it to the divisor function and other standard arithmetic functions.

  • Evolvability

    0.99 Arxiv for Journal of Physics A

    Flowers of immortality

    The eigenvalues of the mortality equation fall into two classes—the flower and the stem—but only the stem eigenvalues control the dynamics.

  • Quantum physics

    0.76 Arxiv for Physical Review Letters

    Regularising CRT

    Charge conjugation C, space reflection R, and time-reversal T operators are regularised in a quantum many-body Hilbert space on a discrete lattice.

  • Condensed matter theory

    0.62 Arxiv for EPL

    Counting free fermions

    We link the statistical properties of one-dimensional systems of free fermions initialised in states of either half- or alternating-occupancy.

  • High energy physics

    0.57 Arxiv for Physical Review Letters

    C, P and T in fractions

    Charge-conjugation, space-parity and time-reversal symmetries are shown to form noncommutative groups, including the order-16 Pauli group.

  • Computational linguistics

    0.5 Arxiv for AINL 2023

    Cross-lingual knowledge

    Models trained on a Russian topical dataset, of knowledge-grounded human-human conversation, are capable of real-world tasks across languages.

  • Condensed matter theory

    0.48 Arxiv for Physical Review X

    Non-reciprocal breather

    Producing the first examples of breathing solitons in one-dimensional non-reciprocal media allows their propagation dynamics to be analysed.

  • High energy physics

    0.46 Arxiv for Physical Review Letters

    An 8-fold way for CRT

    Varying the spacetime dimensions fermions occupy shows charge-conjugation C, space-reflection R and time-reversal T symmetries are 8-fold periodic.

  • 0.17 Arxiv for International Journal of Data Science in the Mathematical Sciences

    Machine learning polytopes

    A supervised machine of learning lattice polytopes predicts properties of volume, dual volume, and reflexivity with up to 100% accuracy.

  • Quantum physics


    Optimal transfer

    We use the quantum brachistochrone method to design an optimal control strategy for the fastest quantum state transfer in long qubit chains.

  • Condensed matter theory


    Topological boundary

    We show that Weyl fermions and anomalous topological order in 4 dimensions can live on the edge of the same 5-dimensional superconductor.

  • Algebraic geometry


    Linearising actions

    We give a solution of the linearisation problem in the Cremona group of rank two over an algebraically closed field of characteristic zero.

  • High energy physics


    A new leptogenesis

    We propose that dark matter consists of topological order, so gapped anyon excitations decay to generate the Standard Model's lepton asymmetry.

Submitted home

  • Characterizing contaminant noise in barcoded perturbation experiments

    Synthetic biology

    FSF. Sheldon 3.06 Sub. to Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the USA

    Cell soup in screens

    Bursting cells can introduce noise in transcription factor screens, but modelling this process allows us to discern true counts from false.

  • Mortality equation offers a theory for programmed aging


    TFT. Fink 2.12 Sub. to Nature Ageing

    I want to be forever young

    The mortality equation governs the dynamics of an evolving population with a given maximum age, offering a theory for programmed ageing.

  • Number of ordered factorizations and recursive divisors

    Number theory

    TFT. Fink 1.04 Sub. to Journal of Number Theory

    Counting recursive divisors

    Three new closed-form expressions give the number of recursive divisors and ordered factorisations, which were until now hard to compute.

  • Irreducibility of the Koopman representations for the group GL0(2∞,R), acting on three infinite rows

    Representation theory

    AVA. V. KosyakPM 0.89 Sub. to Journal of Functional Analysis

    Infinite dimensional irreducibility

    The criteria of irreducibility of representations of the inductive limit of certain general linear groups acting on three infinite rows.

Submitted away

  • Biological logics are restricted


    TFT. FinkRHR. Hannam 2.65 Sub. to National Science Review

    In life, there are few rules

    The bipartite nature of regulatory networks means gene-gene logics are composed, which severely restricts which ones can show up in life.

  • Regulatory motifs: structural and functional building blocks of genetic computation


    TFT. Fink 2.44 Sub. to Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the USA

    Structure of genetic computation

    The structural and functional building blocks of gene regulatory networks correspond, which tell us how genetic computation is organised.

  • On the number of biologically valid logics


    TFT. Fink 2.44 Sub. to Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the USA

    Biological logics are restricted

    The fraction of logics that are biologically permitted can be bounded and shown to be tiny, which makes inferring them from experiments easier.

  • Some applications of representation theory to the sum–product phenomenon


    ISI. Shkredov 1.53 Sub. to Journal of Algebraic Combinatorics

    Representation for sum-product

    A new way to estimate indices via representation theory reveals links to the sum-product phenomena and Zaremba’s conjecture in number theory.

  • Number theory

    1.52 Sub. to Journal of the American Mathematical Society

    Bounding Zaremba’s conjecture

    Using methods related to the Bourgain–Gamburd machine refines the previous bound on Zaremba’s conjecture in the theory of continued fractions.

  • Algebraic geometry

    1.27 Sub. to Journal of the European Mathematical Society

    Permuting the roots

    The Galois group of a typical rational function is described and similar problems solved using the topology of braids and tropical geometry.

  • Statistical mechanics

    0.89 Sub. to Physica D: Nonlinear Phenomena

    Fredholm meets Toeplitz

    A new approach to the large distance asymptotic of the finite-temperature deformation is discussed for a sine-kernel Fredholm determinant.

  • Representation theory

    0.76 Sub. to Journal of Topology and Analysis

    Group representation irreducibility

    A general approach to proving the irreducibility of representations of infinite-dimensional groups within the frame of Ismagilov's conjecture.

  • Number theory

    0.67 Sub. to Duke Mathematical Journal

    Sum-product with few primes

    For a finite set of integers with few prime factors, improving the lower bound on its sum and product sets affirms the Erdös-Szemerédi conjecture.

  • Algebraic geometry

    0.66 Sub. to Algebraic Geometry

    Sparse singularities

    Geometric properties, including delta invariants, are computed for singular points defined by polynomials with indeterminate coefficients.

  • AI-assisted maths

    0.39 Sub. to Machine Learning: Science and Technology

    Learning to be Simple

    Neural networks classify simple finite groups by generators, unlike earlier methods using Cayley tables, leading to a proven explicit criterion.

  • String theory

    0.34 Sub. to Communications in Mathematical Physics

    Futaki for reflexives

    We compute Futaki invariants for gauge theories from D3-branes that probe toric Calabi-Yau singularities arising from reflexive polytopes.

  • 0.33 Sub. to ACL Rolling Review


  • 0.33 Sub. to International Conference on Machine Learning



  • 0.26 Sub. to ACL Rolling Review

    From words to blocks

    Combining a language model with reinforcement learning enables object construction in a Minecraft-like environment from natural language instructions.

  • 0.25 Sub. to International Conference on Machine Learning


  • 0.17 Sub. to Conference on Neural Information Processing Systems


  • 0.14 Sub. to Conference on Neural Information Processing Systems


  • AI-assisted maths

    Sub. to Harvard Data Science Review

    Convolution in topology

    Using Inception, a convolutional neural network, we predict certain divisibility invariants of Calabi-Yau manifolds with up to 90% accuracy.


  • On common energies and sumsets

    Number theory

    ISI. Shkredov 1.56 In press Journal of Combinatorial Theory, Series A

    Common energies

    A polynomial criterion is obtained for a set to have a small doubling, expressed in terms of the common additive energy of its subsets.

  • The height of an infinite parallelotope is infinite

    Linear algebra

    AVA. V. Kosyak 1.42 Linear Algebra and its Applications

    Infinite parallelotope

    We study the geometry of finite dimensional space as the dimension grows to infinity with an accent on the height of the parallelotope.

  • On the distribution of quadratic residues


    ISI. Shkredov 1.3 In press Finite Fields and Their Applications

    Quadratic residues

    Additive combinatorics sheds light on the distribution of the set of squares in the prime field, revealing a new upper bound for the number of gaps.

  • Continuous quiver gauge theories

    Quantum field theory

    ESE. Sobko 1.23 Physical Review D

    Continuous quivers

    Continuous quivers enable exact Wilson loop calculation, reveal an emergent dimension, and raise tantalising questions on dual strings.

  • Neurocomputing

    0.65 In press Journal of Physics: Complexity

    Circuits with memory

    We derive dynamical equations for networks with memristors and the Lyapunov functions of purely memristive circuits to study their stability.

  • Machine learning

    0.43 Nucleic Acids Research

    Speaking DNA

    A family of transformer-based DNA language models can interpret genomic sequences, opening new possibilities for complex biological research.

  • AI-assisted maths

    0.4 Physics Letters B

    Metaheuristic tilings

    We use simulated annealing to efficiently construct all brane tilings that encode supersymmetric gauge theories and discover a new one.

  • Condensed matter theory

    0.29 Optical Materials Express

    Three-qubit shortcut

    We achieve maximal-fidelity state transfer in the fastest possible time for a 3-qubit chain by applying the quantum variational method.

  • Representation theory

    0.26 In press Journal of Lie Theory

    Irreducible group action

    We construct the unitary representation of an infinite-dimensional general linear group acting on a space and establish its irreducibility.

  • AI-assisted maths

    0.25 Journal of Physics A

    Learning 3-manifolds

    3-manifolds represented as isomorphism signatures of their triangulations and associated Pachner graphs are analysed with machine learning.

  • Machine learning

    0.14 Optical Memory and Neural Networks

    Multitasking memory

    The abilities and power of a type of transformer model with memory is greatly improved by learning several key tasks at once during training.

  • Machine learning

    Proceedings of the AAAI Conference

    BERT enhanced with recurrence

    The quadratic complexity of attention in transformers is tackled by combining token-based memory and segment-level recurrence, using RMT.