Our papers are the official record of our discoveries. They allow others to build on and apply our work. Each one is the result of many months of research, so we make a special effort to make our papers clear, inspiring and beautiful, and publish them in leading journals.
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- O. Gamayun
- Y. He
- A. Sarikyan
- J. Wang
- A. V. Kosyak
- A. Stepanenko
- T. Fink
- E. Sobko
- A. Esterov
- F. Sheldon
- A. Ochirov
- M. Burtsev
- M. Reeves
- I. Shkredov
- G. Caldarelli
- R. Hannam
- F. Caravelli
- A. Coolen
- O. Dahlsten
- A. Mozeika
- M. Bardoscia
- P. Barucca
- M. Rowley
- I. Teimouri
- F. Antenucci
- A. Scala
- R. Farr
- A. Zegarac
- S. Sebastio
- B. Bollobás
- F. Lafond
- D. Farmer
- C. Pickard
- T. Reeves
- J. Blundell
- A. Gallagher
- M. Przykucki
- P. Smith
- L. Pietronero
Quantum field theory
Continuous quivers
Continuous quivers enable exact Wilson loop calculation, reveal an emergent dimension, and raise tantalising questions on dual strings.
Quantum field theory
PCM in arbitrary fields
The first exact solution for the vacuum state of an asymptotically free QFT in a general external field found for the Principal Chiral Model.