Image for the paper "Murmurations of L-functions"
Image for the paper "Murmurations of L-functions"
Image for the paper "Murmurations of L-functions"
Image for the paper "Murmurations of L-functions"
Image for the paper "Murmurations of L-functions"
Image for the paper "Murmurations of L-functions"
Image for the paper "Murmurations of L-functions"
Image for the paper "Murmurations of L-functions"
Image for the paper "Murmurations of L-functions"
Image for the paper "Murmurations of L-functions"
Image for the paper "Murmurations of L-functions"
Image for the paper "Murmurations of L-functions"
Image for the paper "Murmurations of L-functions"
Image for the paper "Murmurations of L-functions"
Image for the paper "Murmurations of L-functions"
Image for the paper "Murmurations of L-functions"

Elliptical murmurations

Investigating oscillating patterns for Dirichelt coefficients of low-degree arithmetic L-functions gives insight into this newly-discovered phenomena.

Murmurations of L-functions

Draft (2023)

Y. He, K. Lee, T. Oliver, A. Pozdnyakov, A. Sutherland

Draft (2023)

Y. He, K. Lee, T. Oliver, A. Pozdnyakov, A. Sutherland