Entanglement typicality
A review of the achievements concerning typical bipartite entanglement for random quantum states involving a large number of particles.
Journal of Physics A 47, 36 (2014)
O. Dahlsten, C. Lupo, S. Mancini, A. Serafini


We provide a summary of both seminal and recent results on typical entanglement. By “typical” values of entanglement, we refer here to values of entanglement quantifiers that (given a reasonable measure on the manifold of states) appear with arbitrarily high probability for quantum systems of sufficiently high dimensionality. We shall focus on pure states and work within the Haar measure framework for discrete quantum variables, where we report on results concerning the average von Neumann and linear entropies as well as arguments implying the typicality of such values in the asymptotic limit. We then proceed to discuss the generation of typical quantum states with random circuitry. Different phases of entanglement, and the connection between typical entanglement and thermodynamics are discussed. We also cover approaches to measures on the non-compact set of Gaussian states of continuous variable quantum systems.