Complex derivatives

Network-based metrics to assess systemic risk and the importance of financial institutions can help tame the financial derivatives market.

Nature Physics 9, 123 (2013)

S. Battiston, G. Caldarelli, C. Georg, R. May, J. Stiglitz

Image for the paper "Complex derivatives"
Image for the paper "Complex derivatives"
Image for the paper "Complex derivatives"
Image for the paper "Complex derivatives"
Image for the paper "Complex derivatives"
Image for the paper "Complex derivatives"
Image for the paper "Complex derivatives"
Image for the paper "Complex derivatives"
Image for the paper "Complex derivatives"
Image for the paper "Complex derivatives"
Image for the paper "Complex derivatives"
Image for the paper "Complex derivatives"
Image for the paper "Complex derivatives"
Image for the paper "Complex derivatives"
Image for the paper "Complex derivatives"
Image for the paper "Complex derivatives"

The intrinsic complexity of the financial derivatives market has emerged as both an incentive to engage in it, and a key source of its inherent instability. Regulators now faced with the challenge of taming this beast may find inspiration in the budding science of complex systems.