Image for the paper "Some applications of representation theory to the sum–product phenomenon"
Image for the paper "Some applications of representation theory to the sum–product phenomenon"
Image for the paper "Some applications of representation theory to the sum–product phenomenon"
Image for the paper "Some applications of representation theory to the sum–product phenomenon"
Image for the paper "Some applications of representation theory to the sum–product phenomenon"
Image for the paper "Some applications of representation theory to the sum–product phenomenon"
Image for the paper "Some applications of representation theory to the sum–product phenomenon"
Image for the paper "Some applications of representation theory to the sum–product phenomenon"
Image for the paper "Some applications of representation theory to the sum–product phenomenon"
Image for the paper "Some applications of representation theory to the sum–product phenomenon"
Image for the paper "Some applications of representation theory to the sum–product phenomenon"
Image for the paper "Some applications of representation theory to the sum–product phenomenon"
Image for the paper "Some applications of representation theory to the sum–product phenomenon"
Image for the paper "Some applications of representation theory to the sum–product phenomenon"
Image for the paper "Some applications of representation theory to the sum–product phenomenon"
Image for the paper "Some applications of representation theory to the sum–product phenomenon"

Representation for sum-product


A new way to estimate indices via representation theory reveals links to the sum-product phenomena and Zaremba’s conjecture in number theory.

Some applications of representation theory to the sum–product phenomenon

Submitted (2023)

I. Shkredov

In our paper, we introduce a new method for estimating incidences via representation theory. We obtain several applications to various sums with multiplicative characters and to Zaremba's conjecture from number theory.

Submitted (2023)

I. Shkredov