Juven Wang
Dr Wang is a Fellow at LIMS. He explores many-body condensed matter, high-energy physics, quantum field theory, and quantum information.
Dr Juven Wang is a Fellow at the London Institute. He did a PhD in theoretical physics at MIT, supervised by Prof. Xiao-Gang Wen, and was awarded an Isaac Newton Chair Fellowship to work at the Perimeter Institute. As a postdoc, he was a Member of the Institute for Advanced Study, working with Prof. Edward Witten. He then joined Harvard University as a Research Associate, collaborating with Prof. Shing-Tung Yau, and also did research at IBM Quantum. Dr Wang has proposed Ultra Unification beyond the Standard Model by including a new fifth topological force to resolve neutrino puzzles, so dark matter consists of topological matter. Outside LIMS, he enjoys art, music, sports and the outdoors.
Dr Wang works on ultra quantum matter and high-energy physics, via cohomology and category theory. He proposes new models for quantum simulation.
