High energy physics
16 Mar 2015
Neil Lambert talks about subatomic particles and the elusive search for a theory of everything in part 6 of our Grand Tour of Science.
The Grand Tour of Science is a comprehensive account of modern science in seven two-hour lectures for the public. The lectures are in two parts, with drinks and discussion before, in between and after.
This lecture covers:
• The standard model: particles and interactions
• The Higgs and its mysteries
• Problems and puzzles
• Unification and supersymmetry
• Superstrings and M-theory
Grand Tour of Science
The Grand Tour of Science is a comprehensive account of modern science in seven two-hour lectures for the public. Each talk is given by a leading researcher in the subject of the talk. The lectures are in two parts, with drinks and discussion before, in between and after.



Prof. Neil Lambert is Professor in Theoretical Physics at Kings College, London. He did a PhD in String Theory and Branes at Cambridge University. Since then he has worked at the ENS in Paris and Rutgers University. His interests include supersymmetry, string theory and M-theory.