Cyberspace network security
11 Apr 2012
A two-day workshop funded by the Air Force Office of Scientific Research on computational topology, game semantics and network security.
In a hostile and compromised cyber environment, nations require communication networks that are secure. The London Institute and the Air Force Office of Scientific Research challenge research communities on both sides of the Atlantic to advance the mathematics that will underpin fundamental advances in cyberspace network security.
In this two-day symposia organized by John Harer and Samson Abramsky and funded by the AFOSR, we hear from 10 speakers and discuss the challenge. ○ Peter Chin: Large-scale structures for graph computation. ○ George Cybenko: Two short stories about mathematics in computer security. ○ Dan Ghica: System level semantics. ○ John Harer: Persistent homology and networks. ○ Pasquale Malacaria: Contributions to the science of confidentiality. ○ Andrzej Murawski: Anonymity and game semantics. ○ Linda Ness: Network measurements: representation and analysis. ○ Dusko Pavlovic: Semantical methods for security games. ○ Antonio Scala: On the need for maps of cyberspace. ○ Nikos Tzevelekos: Programs, security and games. ○ Patrick Wolfe: Point process modeling for directed interaction networks.
London Institute Symposia
London Institute Symposia are small research and technology conferences for up to 40 people that take place in the Institute. Symposia can last from a few hours to a few days, with attendees ranging from academic researchers to industry practitioners to the defence community.